Smart Start hoME Loan
Open the door to your first home with our Smart Start hoME Loan!
- 100% financing options
- No income or purchase price limits
- Reduced cost private mortgage insurance
- Cannot have owned a home in the past three years
- Local decision making and servicing

hoME Opportunity Mortgage
Homeownership isn’t out of reach with a down payment as low as 3%.
- No monthly mortgage insurance premium
- Owner-occupied, purchase transaction
- Available for 1-2 unit homes
- Gifts and grants are allowed
- Homebuyer education is required

House to hoME Mortgage
Designed for borrowers looking to purchase a home and finance improvements.
- Up to $75,000 for eligible improvements
- 6 months for completion
- Down payment of only 5% (95% financing)
- Loan amount based on future value of home with improvements

Made in ME Construction Loan
Build a home to your unique specifications with a construction loan!
- 12-month construction phase
- Down payment of only 5% (95% financing) with Mortgage Insurance
- Interest-only payments during construction phase
- Fixed interest rate
- Converts to a traditional mortgage at the end of construction phase
- Only one closing, saving you time and money!
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With local support and local decision-making, we can get you into your dream home quickly.
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Get the benefits of more lending power, competitive rates, and local decisions.
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Complete this form and a member of our lending team will contact you. Prefer the phone? Give your local branch a call.
Accounts are Subject to Approval.